The Curiosity Project – Visual Arts Stockport, Manchester

The Curiosity Project reframed what we do at Arc and encouraged us to reflect on what we do and why we do it. The project was a collaboration between Dr. Anke Bernau from the University of Manchester and Arc. Some of our wellbeing programme participants and volunteers met up over 10 weeks to explore the concept of curiosity and how they could interpret their thoughts and ideas through visual art.
It is the process and the journey through this project which has been most revealing. The project provided a platform for people to think about their creative journey, the spaces in which they are permitted to be curious and the personal life events that have hindered or developed curiosity. For some of those who took part, the project also developed a critical engagement in a political culture, which has an increasingly prescriptive and narrow concept of what it means or could mean to be curious.

See the film about the project here!

We are hugely grateful for funding from The National Lottery and Esmee Fairbairn, who made the project possible.

A big thank you to filmmaker John Grey who shot and edited the beautiful film.