Young People’s Arc – MusicSpace

Working with Manchester-based musician and facilitator Aidan Jolly from September to December 2017, a dedicated group of young people have been exploring improvisation, song/lyric writing and recording skills at Arc Centre. The results are amazing – everyone has created an individual piece of music based on their choice of instrumentation and on their lyrics. Each of their pieces is original, and each in a different style. None of the young people knew each other before the programme began and, most incredibly, none of them had any experience of creating their own music previously.

“I was really nervous at first…I’m quite proud of my recording and liked using the headphones.” -MusicSpace participant
“I really want to do this again so I can have more time to play the different instruments. Even though I felt a bit awkward I still want to come back.” -MusicSpace participant

Aidan says, “The thing that’s surprised me the most is how quickly the young people have got into music making, and what they’ve managed to achieve in the short amount of time we’ve had. Sometimes people are really anxious about trying new things, or about putting ideas into words, but this group have really worked hard, to learn the guitar or the keyboard, and to create lyrics that say something about how they’re feeling and what’s going on in their lives.”

“Everyone is really friendly. I didn’t think I could write my own words but using magazines and newspapers made it loads easier.” -MusicSpace participant

Check the blog again soon or follow us on social media to hear the songs when they’re uploaded!

by Emily Weygang, YPA Senior Project Manager

Young People's Mental Health Stockport Manchester