We’ve been working on something “ribbiting”! 🐸

We were thrilled to be asked by SMBC and One Stockport to collaborate on the Gigantic Leap Forward project, designing and painting 17 Stockport Frogs to go in local neighbourhoods around the Borough alongside the town centre Stockport Frogs. You can jump straight to the trail list leaflet here if you’re keen to get hopping!

It was great to see all the responses from local people – what a creative and inventive Borough Stockport is.
Caroline Coates, one of our fantastic Manchester-based associate artists, took ideas submitted by the people of Stockport and transformed them into wonderful bespoke, unique designs for each area of the borough. She then led an Arc Team of 20 volunteer painters who spent 6-weeks in the top secret Frog Factory!

“The artists were all delighted to be able to create their own unique designs on the One Stockport frogs. They have worked incredibly hard to recreate the designs sent in; they make each frog individual and very special and we can’t thank everyone enough.” -Arc’s Jacqui Wood

Arc is an arts and health charity/organisation – it stands for Arts for Recovery – everything we do uses creativity to promote wellbeing. Not only were the Stockport Frogs a great opportunity for our team to do something positive for their own mental health and after such a difficult year, be part of a team, have fun but also really contribute to bringing back a sense of belonging and support for local businesses in so many districts of the Borough. So this has been about recovery in a wider sense, and it feels really well timed.

“I really wasn’t sure what to expect, I didn’t know what it would be like but as soon as I’d been painting for a day, I loved it. I’m so proud that something I painted is in my local neighbourhood, I can see it every day! I’ve been telling all my friends and family to go and have a look.” -Volunteer Artist Cheryl.

The frogs and their froglets friends are now out there, in their rightful places, at the heart of their communities. They are local and beautiful, connecting the people to their place. We are so grateful to be a part of it – Arc is hopping all over Stockport now!

Search #StockportFrogs on Google or social media to see the frogs, show us your snaps and connect with us!