The Story of Creative Challenge, an Arts for Wellbeing Programme

Welcome to a retrospective exhibition of Arc’s Arts for Wellbeing programme Creative Challenge‘. To find out more about a mental health arts for wellbeing programme for adults, please visit here.

This exhibition showcases artwork from the last two groups of participants on our Creative Challenge programme. The programme is designed for existing Arc service users who are looking to take the next steps into recovery by challenging themselves with creative art-making, developing transferable professional skills and building confidence.

The exhibition was designed by intern Amie to look like an enchanted garden. The garden space makes use of both the inner walled area and the outer walls. The inner area tells the story of the programme: how it is structured, what its aims are, and the activities that participants take part in. The outside walls include spotlights on each participant and the art that they are proud of, plus an creative activity area for you to see and visit to try with the kids. 

We hope you enjoy your journey through the space! Here is a map to aid you in navigating it, you will also find it on a wall in the exhibition.









Mental Heath Awareness Week 2021

It’s been a tough year for us all… #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek runs May 10th – 16th and the theme is “Nature” which some of us have found solace in the arms of.
Much of the work created on all our programmes relates to nature. This is because either facilitators like Alison Waters purposefully explore nature themes, or simply many of the participants appreciate the benefits of connecting with nature. When some of them could not physically do so due to shielding or lockdown restrictions, participants were still able to connect with it through artmaking.


Here’s a little promo snippet of what to expect!

Ways to visit the virtual exhibition:

This programme was made possible during this difficult time thanks to support from