Fundraise for us

Be part of our support team and be part of the solution!

By fundraising for Arc you will be supporting one of the UK’s leading arts and mental health charities to provide opportunities for people to create, connect and feel better.

With unrivalled experience in the development of high impact, bespoke support programmes, we enable adults and young people experiencing a wide range of mental health issues to explore creativity, gain confidence, independence and feel more relaxed.
We are grateful for any contribution, no matter how small.  There are so many ways that you can fundraise to support us, from a bake sale to a bikeathon or from a silent auction to sponsored swim.  Our fundraising pack has loads of ideas to suit everyone and you can be confident that we will be here to guide and support you through the process, every step of the way.
Ready to fundraise for Arc? Click below to get started!
"Brilliant morning, such a lovely atmosphere."
Arc Art Auction