Please welcome our new chair, Safia!

Safia Griffin formally stepped into the role of Chair on the September 10th 2020 having previously worked alongside our former Chair Julia McBryde for almost four years, so please welcome our new chair!

Many people have already met Safia and she is well-known in VCSE circles, as she has been involved in this sector for most of her life – first as, and still as, a volunteer, then working for Age UK Tameside, GMCVO and Healthwatch. She currently works at Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH) as their Women’s Involvement Officer and freelances as a training and development consultant.

“Over the coming weeks and months, I will be reaching out to many of Arc’s beneficiaries, supporters and colleagues to introduce myself and to listen to your thoughts and ideas. I also have two key areas that I will be driving forward over this next year, ‘collaboration’ and ‘competency’. We have built some really solid partnerships and networks but even with current restrictions there are opportunities to do more. I am very proud of the staff team and my fellow Directors but with growing need, delivery models having to change to adapt to Covid-19, and the opportunities that come with our move to Hat Works, there are always fresh challenges.

I look forward to meeting and working with many of you and to leading Arc on its journey, building on the legacy and work of our former Chair, Julia. Take care and stay safe.”

The transition of Chairs has been quite natural, with Safia first serving as a Director for a couple of years and steadily taking more responsibility and oversight for the organisation.  She became Vice-Chair last September 2019 and then acting Chair, before formally stepping into the role of Chair on the 10th of September 2020 at our Annual General Meeting.

Former Chair Julia McBryde said,

“When I met Safi and saw how others responded to her warmth and leadership, I saw the opportunity to start stepping back and planning for retirement. I have full confidence in the serving Board and new Chair and know that they will lead Arc well and look forward to seeing how the organisation adapts and develops to the new future.”

Please do get in touch – you can contact our new Chair at:

Are you or would someone you know be interested in supporting Arc’s work alondside the Board of Directors?

Being a trustee can be very rewarding!

CONNECT: being a Director is all about collective responsibility and representing the wants and needs of our stakeholders when making important decisions for the charity. We’re a team within the Arc family of staff, volunteers and people who benefit from our existence.

BE ACTIVE: We meet about six times a year for Board meetings and six times a year for each of the three sub-committees. As well as offering a varied public programme of activities, there are plenty of opportunities to be active in the different aspects of the charity.

LEARN: Directors have a unique role within charities. You can learn new skills and have experiences of leadership, being an employer, marketing, finance and building strategic relationships, as well as different approaches to mental wellness and recovery.

TAKE NOTICE: So are you excited to join or curious but would like to know more? Feel free to get in touch and we’ll answer any questions you may have.

If you know of anyone who might be well-suited such a role advocating Arc and growing our arts and mental health charity, please visit this page for more information.