Championing the impact of creativity on mental wellbeing

Stockport Arts and Health Micro-Commission Funding

We’re delighted to announce that Arc are once again calling out for artists, groups, collectives, anyone with an idea for using arts to improve the health and wellbeing of residents in Stockport to apply to the Stockport Arts and Health Micro-Commission Fund. 

Click here to apply via Microsoft Forms (no sign-in required). This is our preferred method of application. Please see a summary of Questions in section 2 below to prepare for filling in the form.

If you have any questions, problems with the form or if someone without digital access wants to apply, please email for a Word Document or call in to the centre for a printed copy. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

1. Information and Grant Conditions

This year there are 2 separate Micro Commission grants to apply for: 

  1. £500 for individual artists to research and generate a piece/pieces of artwork that respond to the theme of health and wellbeing. (2 grants in total).
  1. £1,000 for artists and groups who want to develop participatory projects  which will benefit the health and wellbeing of participants eg. a series of workshops or a residency with a community group.  (3 grants in total).

£500 – Individual Artists (who are based in Stockport): 

If you want to create some artwork which explores a health topic that is significant or meaningful to you, please apply for this fund.  The money can be used to cover your time to research and make, to visit and discuss as well as for resources and art materials. This commission also gives you the opportunity to share your work in an exhibition space in Stockport town centre. 

Please note that for the individual artists’ grants you will be expected to produce at least one piece of artwork which can be exhibited at Arc in a public exhibition space between February and March 2024, and participate in a short film about your work. Arc will support you with curation, hanging and marketing.

£1,000 – Participatory Projects (for communities in Stockport): 

If you have a collaboration you’d like to undertake, a workshop you want to trial that taps into a community or group that’s not used the arts before, or a creative project you’d like to develop, this is the fund to apply for.  The money can be used to cover your time (reasonable fees to project manage or deliver the work), materials and resources, other artists fees, volunteer expenses, publicity or other project costs.  You can also use it as match funding for an even bigger arts & health project.  Whatever it is, if it utilises arts and creativity to support the health and wellbeing of Stockport’s people, you are welcome to apply.

Please note that, for the participatory grants, Arc is providing the funding but will not be involved in running the projects. We are not looking for projects to run at Arc, but hopefully to benefit multiple neighbourhoods. Please ensure that you have discussed your idea with your potential group or venue before applying. 

Applications must be sent to us by 5pm Friday 3rd November and you will be informed of the outcome on Monday 13th November.  Your project should take place between November 2023 and March 2024 and should be evidenced with photos, video and by completing a simple short report. 

Grant conditions: 

  • All individual artists must be residents of Stockport
  • All participatory projects must take place in Stockport although the artists/facilitators can be from anywhere.
  • All grant recipients must attend a budgeting and planning session with Arc in November and peer learning at Arc in March to share impact & evaluation and discuss any next steps.  
  • All grants must be spent by the 22nd March 2024. 
  • We cannot fund any activity that has already taken place.
  • If some of the money for your project will come from other sources, tell us the total amount and where it will come from.
  • Additional funding is not required for this programme, however, your application should not rely on large amounts of additional funding which you have not yet secured.

2. Summary of Questions

To apply you will need:

  • Your contact details and any professional social media links
  • Whether you’re applying for an individual grant (£500) or participatory grant (£1000)
  • Your experience
  • Working title of project
  • Who will be involved / where will it be / when will it be
  • Details of your planned work / process / practice and how it will reflect the theme of health and wellbeing (max 300 words)
  • Itemised project costs and how you’re going to cover them (including any costs covered by an additional source). 
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
#StockportArtsandHealthWeek #ArcStockport #UKSPF #ThePlaceThatMakesItself
#Stockport #ArtsandHealth #Manchester #greatermanchester

We’re shining a spotlight on creativity and health in Stockport through workshops, performances, exhibitions, training and networking, with plenty of opportunities to create, connect and feel better! Join us for the third Stockport Arts and Health Week from October 9th –15th 2023 at Arc at Hat WorksHat Works Museum, Stockport Central Library, Merseyway, National Trust Lyme, Positive Arts at Adswood Community Centre, Marbury Road Edible Garden, Merseyway, Omni Music at Disability Stockport and online. We are also launching micro-funding for arts and health projects during the week.

All Events are Live and can be found on Eventbrite here

Events are free but donations to the charity are needed and welcome via Eventbrite listings, at JustGiving and in the centre by cash or card.